Bancea to visit the natural black orchid forest , Wera Saluopa waterfall - Ampana
inkl Hotels + Vollpension
10 Tauchgänge
Transfer + 1 Übernachtung mit Frühstück Luwuk
Inlandsflug Luwuk - Manado
Transfer + 1 ÜF Manado
Transfer Flughafen Manado

Island Retreat ist umgeben von reizvollen Mangrovengärten, Dschungel, weißen Sandstränden
und einer auch an Land einzigartigen Flora und Fauna.
Die Bungalows direkt am Strand haben ein eigenes Bad und sind in einer schönen Gartenanlage eingebettet.
Alle Häuser verfügen über ein komfortables Doppelbett mit Mosquitonetz und täglichen Roomservice.
Das Restaurant bietet stets frische, gesunde, abwechslungsreiche Gaumenfreuden -
auch rein vegetarisch, teils aus eigenem Anbau.
Wer einmal die fantastische Unterwasserwelt der Togiansentdeckt hat -
Atolls, Walls, Fringing und Barrier Reefs, das B24 Flugzeugwrack - wird es niemals vergessen!
Von Island Retreat aus werden mehr als 10 unterschiedlichen Tauchplätzen angefahren,
alle sind innerhalb von 40 Minuten mit dem Boot erreichbar, manche auch schneller
Schnorcheln in kristallklarem Wasser direkt vor Island Retreat!
Die seichten und ruhigen Küstengewässer sind sicher und auch für Kinder und Anfänger ideal.
Tagesausflug nach Una Una - aktiver Vulkan- Atolle- sehr gut zum Schnorcheln und tauchen- Picknick inclusive
Tagesausflug mit Picknick am Strand - Schnorcheln an mehreren Plätzen,
Kurz-Trip nach Taupan:3 Std
Day 01
According to your schedule of arrival, you will be meet our Tour Guide at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. Then take approx. 8 hours drive to Tana Toraja passing through the Buginese villages with their typical wooden houses. Lunch will be served at a seafood restaurant in Pare-Pare. In the afternoon have some drink or snack on Bambapuang café while enjoy the wonderful view of MountButtukabobong. In the afternoon arrive in Rantepao. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.
Day 02
After breakfast, we will visit thestonehanging grave of Lemo with its Tau-Tau effigies. Then to Kambira where we can find the peculiar baby graves in the trees. Onwards we will explore the architecture of Tongkonan houses in Ketekesu village and Londa, which is a natural grave with entombed deceased. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. In the afternoon, we visit Nanggala and Siguntuk, local Torajan villages famous for their old Tongkonan houses and rice barns. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 03
After breakfast, we will visit Pallawa & Sa’dan, local Torajan villages famous as the center of wood carving. Then to Bori, where we can see the ancient stone megaliths. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant in Rantepao. In the afternoon, we will take you to Marante, local Torajan village with their big Tongkonans and old rice barns. Then back to the Hotel for dinner and overnight stay.
Day 04
After breakfast, we drive into the mountains and visit Tinombayo where we can enjoy the spectacular view of the megalith stones spread over the extensive rice fields. Then to a burial cave of Lokomata. From Lokomata, we continue our trip to Batutumonga where we will a have a trekking, enjoy the beautiful panorama and experience a moment of the unique Torajan life style. Lunch will be served close to the top of the mountain. In the afternoon we will have a short trekking along rice terraces, steep hills with huges bamboos and spectacular views. Then back to Rantepao. Dinner and overnight stay at the Hotel.
Day 05
After breakfast, drive to Pendolo via Palopo. The trip between Toraja to Palopo, we will stop on Paredean to enjoy the spectacular view of Palopo peninsula. Lunch en route. Stop also will be made in Palopo to visit the crocodile farm. In the afternoon, arrive in Pendolo. Dinner and overnight at a simple accommodation near lake Poso.
Day 06
After breakfast at hotel cruising by motor boat to Bancea to visit the natural black orchid forest. And then proceed to Tentena for Lunch. After lunch, we will visit the Wera Saluopa waterfall. Then drive to Siurri for your accommodation at Cottage at the side of the Poso Lake. Dinner will be served here.
Day 07
After breakfast, check out hotel. Then drive to Ampana. Lunch en route. In the afternoon arrive in Ampana. Then drop to the hotel in Ampana for check in. END OF SERVICES.
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