Östlich von Manado befindet sich der Tangkoko-Nationalpark, welcher in einer 2-Tagestour erkundet werden kann. Die Übernachtung erfolgt in einem indonesichen Homestays inklusive Verpflegung (3Mahlzeiten / indonesische Küche). Je nach Zimmerverfügbarkeit wohnt man in Mama Rose Homestay, Tarsius Homestay oder Ranger Homestay. Batuputih (=weißer Stein) ist eine kleine dorfähnlichen Siedlung mitten im Herzen des Tangkoko Nationalparks. Strom gibt es nur über Dieselgenerator und die Küche ist ein Erlebnis! Die Homestays sind nicht nur Unterkunft, sondern auch ein sehr beliebter Treffpunkt aller Reisender und Quelle wichtiger Informationen und Austausches. Früh morgens um 3:00 ist Aufstehen und dann geht es in Begleitung der Ranger in den Wald, um die nachtaktiven Kobold-Makis zu beobachten. Die sind vielleicht süss !! Hornbirds und Affen runden das Naturerlebnis ab.
Preis pro Person, mindestens 2 Personen, der Preis muss bestätigt werden
Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve
The nature reserve of Tangkoko Dua Saudara has become the most popular wild terrestrial area of Sulawesi because of the ease of seeing some rare, significant and interesting animals. It lies at the eastern tip of the northernmost of Sulawesi's attenuated limbs, its 8,867 hectares encompassing a variety of habitats, from coral reefs, mangroves and coastal forest to savannah grassland and lowland, submontane and cloud forest. This is the best place to see the Sulawesi black macaques and the spectral tarsier and some endemic birds. The reserve is named after its two highest peaks: Gunung Tangkoko, at 1,109 metres and Dua Saudara, at 1,350 metres.
The nature reserve of Tangkoko Dua Saudara has become the most popular wild terrestrial area of Sulawesi because of the ease of seeing some rare, significant and interesting animals. It lies at the eastern tip of the northernmost of Sulawesi's attenuated limbs, its 8,867 hectares encompassing a variety of habitats, from coral reefs, mangroves and coastal forest to savannah grassland and lowland, submontane and cloud forest. This is the best place to see the Sulawesi black macaques and the spectral tarsier and some endemic birds. The reserve is named after its two highest peaks: Gunung Tangkoko, at 1,109 metres and Dua Saudara, at 1,350 metres.
Manado - Tangkoko - Manado Transfer from Manado to Tangkoko National Park 1 Night in a local Homestay (Mama Roos or one of the others)... including full board (local meals) 2 walks with the rangers - one in the afternoon and one very early in the morning Transfer from Tangkoko back to Manado
Manado - Tangkoko - Manado Transfer from Manado to Tangkoko National Park 1 Night in a local Homestay (Mama Roos or one of the others)... including full board (local meals) 2 walks with the rangers - one in the afternoon and one very early in the morning Transfer from Tangkoko back to Manado
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